Most popular are our 1 hour weekly private lessons. Private lessons allow the rider to concentrate on the task at hand and allows the rider to advance at their own pace. Lessons can be taken on your horse or ours. A Lessons consists of the rider grooming, tacking, riding, and untacking. The goal is to set up a rider for independence and to give them all the skills in one day owning their own horse.
$65 per hour private lesson for a rider who prepays for weekly, or every other week lessons. $70 for a random lesson. See Billing Policies for more details.
Our group lessons usually consists of siblings but we can also develop other group times for those who are interested. Our goal is to place individuals in groups of similar skill levels. For a rider to be eligible for group lessons, they must be able to lead their horse on the ground in addition to being able to steer, stop, and trot a short distance while in the saddle. A lesson consists of grooming, tacking, riding, and untacking. Max of 3 riders per class.
$50 per rider for an hour group lesson for clients who prepay for weekly, or every other week lessons. $55 per rider per hour group lesson for a random lesson. See Billing Policies for more details.
Half an hour private lessons are a cost-effective way to get involved in lessons. It is also a great for those riders who are young, have difficulty focusing, or can't physically do a full hour. When the participant shows up, the horse is already saddled and ready so 20 minutes of the lesson is spend riding. The remaining time is spent brushing and caring for the horse.
$40 per half an hour private lesson for a rider who prepays for weekly, or every other week lessons. $45 for a random lesson. See Billing Policies for more details.
We are now taking applications for our Instructor Training Program! No application fee through 2-28-25. Go to the Program tab then down to the Instructor Training.